Saturday, September 13, 2014

Jacob 2:6 - 2:10

Jacob 2:6 Yea, it grieveth my soul and causeth me to shrink with shame before the presence of my Maker, that I must testify unto you concerning the wickedness of your hearts.

He is so ashamed of them because of their actions that his does not want to face God to testify against them to Him. He is reluctant to witness against them because it will condemn them if he does.

Jacob 2:7 And also it grieveth me that I must use so much boldness of speech concerning you, before your wives and your children, many of whose feelings are exceedingly tender and chaste and delicate before God, which thing is pleasing unto God;

He is so grieved that he must be blunt in his accusations against them for their behavior. This bluntness with be hard for their wives and children to listen too. They know of the men’s sinful behavior and are feeling rejected and ashamed of their husbands. This is hard for them to deal with because they have such strong love and faith in God and their husbands behavior wounds their souls.

Jacob 2:8 And it supposeth me that they have come up hither to hear the pleasing word of God, yea, the word which healeth the wounded soul.

The wives and children have come to the Temple to hear uplifting words from Jacob that will help them deal with the wicked behavior of their husbands and fathers.

Jacob 2:9 Wherefore, it burdeneth my soul that I should be constrained, because of the strict commandment which I have received from God, to admonish you according to your crimes, to enlarge the wounds of those who are already wounded, instead of consoling and healing their wounds; and those who have not been wounded, instead of feasting upon the pleasing word of God have daggers placed to pierce their souls and wound their delicate minds.

But he been commanded by the Lord to condemn the actions of the brethren. He will not mince any words with them. To those women who were hoping to hear things that would help them deal with their wicked husbands, his speech will only remind them of their frustrations and sorrows. To those who don’t have this problem to deal with, instead of messages of inspiration they will have to hear words of condemnation and rebuke to those who deserve it.

Jacob 2:10 But, notwithstanding the greatness of the task, I must do according to the strict commands of God, and tell you concerning your wickedness and abominations, in the presence of the pure in heart, and the broken heart, and under the glance of the piercing eye of the Almighty God.

In spite of the difficulty of unpleasing subject matter of his sermon, he will continue with it. He is under strict command to do so and knows that the Lord is watching him to see that he that he does so.

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